

I’m a life coach!

I’m still a novelist. And I still teach creative writing. But I, like so many others during the pandemic, have found it necessary to switch gears. The truth is, I’ve been asking my inner guidance about this for some time, posing the question: Why does my life, my day-to-day routine, feel like it lacks a center?

For a long time writing was my center. When I’m on a deadline for a novel, that’s certainly true. Unfortunately, I haven’t been on a deadline in a few years. I’m on my fourth WIP since The Isle, ever hopeful for that next offer of publication, and as the Young Adult industry collapses into a more sustainable genre — no longer overinflated by the mass influx of debuts and heavy hitters like Harry Potter, Twilight, or Hunger Games —publication is only getting harder. I’m not going to stop trying. But I knew that I needed more of an energetic exchange with the world. I needed to be in conversation with my community.

My work with Writopia Labs, at times, fulfilled that role. Their summer camp, aka “WriCampia,” is my favorite time of the year. I long for those paradisiacal two weeks where I get to work with the brilliant young minds the organization attracts. Unfortunately, since we went digital, I’m not teaching as much as I once was.

I believe my ancestors and guides were peering over my shoulder, nudging for me to click the ad on Instagram. (And yes, I do believe that ads can appear as spiritual guidance!) I enrolled in Creative Mind Method’s Jungian Life Coaching program and have been feeling more aligned than ever as I learn the psychology behind some of the spiritual work that I’ve been doing on my own, without guidance, for the last few years.

The truth is, I’ve been doing this work for much longer than that. (If you know me, you know.)

If you’re reading this and you’d like to see if we’re a good fit, email me!

Jordana Frankel