Vox Populi: A Tarot Deck for Social Change


Last year, around this time, I came across Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential Photos. I also happened to be diving into tarot and, in a moment that felt like divine providence, I realized how intrinsic tarot archetypes are to the human condition and how so many have already been captured in real time, through the lens of photography. So began the journey of Vox Populi, Latin for voice of the people, a deck for social justice. Immediately, I began digging. Who was our modern day Priestess? Emperor? Heirophant? What time period am I looking at? And if this was to be a radical deck, how many real live people could truly embody these ideal archetypes? Humans are flawed creatures, after all. It took a year of searching, but I was eventually able to recreate the major arcana. I've begun on the minors but I'm finding those to be much more difficult. Stay tuned for news about an upcoming Kickstarter campaign to fund production of the deck!